A 1st baseman’s glove work is critical to their effectiveness on the field. To excel in this role, you need to be agile around the 1st base bag, adept at catching throws, and skilled at fielding ground balls. In this guide, we’ll provide practical drills and practice tips to enhance your 1st base glove skills and agility.

1. Targeted Glove Drills

These drills are designed to improve your glove-hand coordination and catching skills:

a. Two-Handed Catch Drill

  • Stand at 1st base with your glove hand extended.
  • Have a coach or partner stand about 20 feet away and throw ground balls at you.
  • Catch each ball with two hands, focusing on positioning your body to get in front of the ball and field it cleanly.

b. Reaction Drill

  • Stand at 1st base with your glove hand extended.
  • Have a coach or partner stand about 10-15 feet away with a bucket of balls.
  • The coach or partner will randomly throw balls to your left, right, and center. Your task is to react quickly and catch each ball cleanly.

c. Ball Transfer Drill

  • Place a ball in your glove.
  • Practice transferring the ball from your glove to your throwing hand quickly and efficiently.
  • This drill helps you prepare for quick tosses to the shortstop or second baseman during double plays.

2. Footwork and Agility Drills

Strong footwork and agility are essential for a 1st baseman. These drills will help you improve your movement and positioning:

a. Cone Drill

  • Set up a series of cones in a zigzag pattern, about 3 feet apart.
  • Start at the first cone and shuffle around the cones as quickly as possible, maintaining proper defensive posture.
  • This drill improves your lateral movement and agility.

b. Reaction Cone Drill

  • Place cones in a straight line about 10 feet apart.
  • Stand at the first cone.
  • As your coach or partner yells “left” or “right,” shuffle to the corresponding cone.
  • This drill helps improve your reaction time and lateral movement.

c. Quick Toss Drill

  • Have a coach or partner stand at 2nd base with a bucket of balls.
  • Stand at 1st base in the stretch position.
  • The coach or partner will randomly toss balls to you for quick catches and tosses back.
  • Focus on your footwork and quick transfers during this drill.

3. Ground Ball Drills

Ground Ball Drills
Ground Ball Drills

Fielding ground balls is a fundamental skill for 1st basemen. These drills will help you hone your ground ball fielding abilities:

a. Standard Ground Ball Drill

  • Have a coach or partner hit ground balls to you using a fungo bat.
  • Focus on getting in front of the ball, keeping your body low, and fielding it cleanly with your glove.
  • Practice making quick, accurate throws to a target.

b. Bunt Recovery Drill

  • Set up a bunting situation with a runner on 1st base.
  • Have a coach or partner bunt the ball toward 1st base.
  • Practice charging in, fielding the bunt, and making the throw to the appropriate base.

4. High Throw Drills

Dealing with high throws is a common challenge for 1st basemen. These drills will help you handle them effectively:

a. High Throw Drill

  • Have a coach or partner stand at shortstop or 2nd base with a bucket of balls.
  • Stand at 1st base in the stretch position.
  • The coach or partner will throw high throws to you, simulating throws you may receive during games.
  • Practice jumping and stretching to catch these high throws and land on the base.

b. Wall Ball Drill

  • Stand a few feet away from a wall with a target marked at the height of a high throw.
  • Throw the ball against the wall, simulating a high throw.
  • Practice catching the ball at the target, working on your timing and coordination.

5. Repetition and Consistency

Remember that consistency comes with repetition. Dedicate time to these drills regularly to build muscle memory and confidence in your 1st base glove work.


Improving your 1st base glove work requires a combination of targeted drills, agility exercises, and a commitment to practice. By developing your glove-hand coordination, footwork, and fielding skills, you’ll become a more reliable and effective 1st baseman. These skills are essential for making critical plays, ensuring your team’s success, and enhancing your overall contribution to the game. So, get out on the field, work on these drills, and take your 1st base glove work to the next level.

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