Glove work is a fundamental aspect of playing 2nd base in baseball. A 2nd baseman’s ability to field ground balls cleanly, make quick transfers, and execute accurate throws is essential for success. In this guide, we’ll explore practical drills and practice tips to help 2nd basemen enhance their glove skills and agility around the 2nd base bag.

1. “Around the Horn” Drill

The “Around the Horn” drill helps improve a 2nd baseman’s glove-to-hand transfer and throwing accuracy. It also involves the shortstop and 1st baseman.

How to Perform:

  1. Position the shortstop at 2nd base, the 2nd baseman at shortstop, and the 1st baseman at 1st base.
  2. The coach or a teammate hits ground balls to the shortstop, who fields the ball and flips it to the 2nd baseman covering the bag.
  3. The 2nd baseman receives the flip, pivots, and makes a throw to 1st base.
  4. Continue this sequence in a smooth, continuous motion.

2. Backhand Drill

Backhand Drill
Backhand Drill

The backhand drill focuses on improving a 2nd baseman’s ability to field ground balls hit to their right side.

How to Perform:

  1. Stand at 2nd base with your knees slightly bent and your glove hand on the ground.
  2. Have a coach or teammate hit ground balls to your right side.
  3. Practice fielding these balls with your glove’s backhand side, making sure to get your body in front of the ball.
  4. After fielding the ball, work on a quick transfer to your throwing hand and make a throw to 1st base.

3. Lateral Quickness Drill

Lateral quickness is crucial for covering ground at 2nd base. This drill improves your ability to move laterally and react quickly to balls hit to your left or right.

How to Perform:

  1. Set up cones or markers in a straight line about 5-10 feet apart.
  2. Start at one end of the line and shuffle laterally to the first cone, touch it, and shuffle back to the starting point.
  3. Continue this lateral shuffle motion, touching each cone in succession.
  4. As you become more proficient, increase the distance between the cones or add more cones to the line.

4. Reaction Ball Drill

The reaction ball drill enhances your reaction time and hand-eye coordination, helping you field ground balls more effectively.

How to Perform:

  1. Stand about 10 feet away from a wall.
  2. Have a coach or teammate throw a rubber reaction ball against the wall. The ball will bounce unpredictably.
  3. As the ball bounces back, react quickly to field it with your glove.
  4. Work on catching the ball cleanly and maintaining control.

5. Double Play Turn Drill

Double Play Turn Drill
Double Play Turn Drill

This drill focuses on improving your pivot and quick release when turning double plays as a 2nd baseman.

How to Perform:

  1. Position a coach or teammate as the shortstop with a baseball.
  2. Stand at 2nd base.
  3. The coach or teammate will roll a ground ball to you at 2nd base.
  4. Field the ball, make a quick pivot to simulate a double play, and throw to a target (a bucket or a partner) representing 1st base.
  5. Repeat this drill, working on a smooth pivot and accurate throw.

6. Situational Game Scenarios

During team practices, incorporate situational game scenarios that mimic real-game conditions. Create game-like situations where ground balls are hit to different areas around 2nd base. This helps 2nd basemen develop the instincts to react appropriately to different plays.

7. Stay Low and Athletic

Incorporate agility and balance exercises into your training routine to stay low to the ground and maintain an athletic stance when fielding ground balls.

Improving your glove work and agility as a 2nd baseman requires consistent practice and dedication. By incorporating these drills and practice tips into your training regimen, you’ll enhance your ability to field ground balls cleanly, make quick transfers, and execute precise throws, ultimately becoming a more reliable and effective 2nd baseman on the baseball field.

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